If you are looking to convert your existing garage door into an automated and remote controlled one, or if you are contemplating buying a new remote controlled garage door, here are some points to consider.
1. Think about the drive system, motor and power usage.
Most powered garage doors use DC (direct current) motors, but these motors also use energy whilst in a dormant or “stand by” state. This means that the “at rest” energy usage Diy Cedar Garage Doors is the most important factor to consider when it comes to energy efficiency. Always inquire as to the energy consumption of the system when it is in stand by mode.
It is important to have a motor which does not operate at the top of its power range, so select a motor that does not need to operate close to its limits. Motors that do this tend to burn out quickly and offer a jerky and noisy movement.
Consider the different drive options available. These include chain and belt drives plus the traditional screw drive. Today many of the chain drives are smoother, quieter and more efficient. They are also easier to repair in the event of a fault occurring.
2. Safety features Garage Door Aesthetics and ease of use.
Any automated garage door system should be fitted with some kind of safety cut off mechanism that activates in the event of an obstacle blocking the path of the garage door. These systems may use lasers or safety stop systems that detect a resistance against the door’s motion. The latter are often referred to as “self learning” systems and are included as standard on many doors.
Always look for a door with a soft start and a soft stop operation. This means that the door operates at a minimum of two different speeds with a slow start and a slow finish (to reduce jarring) and a smooth and controlled opening and closing movement. These doors start their movement slowly and then accelerate during the main transition before slowing down as the transit comes to an end. They are controlled and quiet in operation.
Most remote controlled garage doors are operated by either a handheld portable remote control, or a wall mounted open/close button control. The ideal option is to have both as an integral garage will see plenty of “button” use. A good kit should include both as standard.
3. Think about possible malfunctions
Always buy a remote garage door, or remote door kit, that offers a manual emergency release. Power cuts and mechanical malfunctions always arise at the wrong time and it is essential to be able to gain exit out of the garage by a straightforward and manually operated mechanism. All good doors (and door kits) will offer this facility and it prevents you from being locked inside or outside of your garage.

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