It ain’t easy being a homeowner. The country is in an economic crisis, home prices have fallen, unemployment is high, and everything keeps getting more expensive. Especially the electric bill.
There are lots of tips on how to cut down on the bills, like installing energy efficient light bulbs and 20 Ft Garage Door installing energy efficient appliances. But what about the biggest waster of energy – the garage door.
Your Home’s Biggest Energy Waster – The Garage Door
Insulation is used to keep the elements out and the comfortable temperature in. It doesn’t matter how insulated a room is if you leave a window or door open. Ever walk by a door and feel a draft? Chances are pretty good you try to insulate and cover up that draft real fast. But what about the garage door? It’s often overlooked despite it being the biggest door in our homes.
Ever feel like you walked into a sauna when going in your garage? It’s because of your garage door. And while most of us don’t care about the temperature in our garage, we do care about the temperature in our house. Rooms directly attached to the garage are going to be colder/hotter as the garage siphons it away. No surprise, energy consumption goes up and so does the monthly bill.
Earn a $1,500 Amazon Garage Security Tax Credit
Fortunately Uncle Sam doesn’t want us wasting energy any more than we do. That’s why the U.S. Government is offering tax credits for energy efficient home improvements made through Dec. 31, 2010. You can claim a 30% tax credit on qualifying home improvement costs. A tax credit is more valuable than a tax deduction because it reduces your tax dollar for dollar. That means you can get up to $1,500 back from the government.
How do you identify an eligible garage door? When shopping you need to check the model number to see if if qualifies. To help expedite the shopping experience you can check this comprehensive list by garage door manufacturer so you know exactly what qualifies. You’ll also need a certificate, different for each manufacturer, to prove you qualify.
You’ll be out of pocket at first, but the energy savings will start to add up over time. But the $1,500 tax credit certainly helps things. The credit is available until the end of 2010, so you have some time.

RELATED ARTICLE  Your Home's Appearance Depends On Your Garage Door

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