As we all know from programs like ‘through the keyhole’ you can tell a lot about someone by looking at their home. From an un-tidy home overflowing with clutter to the clean, organised and ordered one – every room within every home says something about the owner. And if you really want to see what someone is like without their make up on, the best place to look is probably the garage!
When someone steps into your garage what impression do they get – an organised and methodical person or a chaotic ‘clutterhugger’? Well there are those beyond redemption of course but for most of us we have to admit that Garage Door Torsion Spring Stretch the garage is not exactly how we would like it. In fairness that probably doesn’t mean we are psychologically unhinged it just means that we haven’t got round to it and even when we do, where do we start and how?
The garage is usually the forgotten corner of the house which makes little sense really considering the trouble we all go to find space elsewhere. We convert attics and cellars when we have perfectly useable ground floor space in the garage if only we could make the most of it. But with careful planning and effective design the humble garage can be transformed into a stunning and practical room that solves the normal problems. To help you get rid of your garage issues we have put together five top tips that will help every home owner to spruce up their garage and create a better, more effective garage.
1) De-clutter and organise: First of all sort all of those unwanted items that you never use. You’ll be really surprised how much room this frees up without the need for extra storage. And before you send it to the tip or recycle centre consider whether you can sell it or give it away. Once you’ve done this it’s wise to invest in some practical garage cabinets or wall storage to get all of your equipment off the floor and into a place where you can find everything quickly and easily. Doing this will free up a lot of space and will make your life so much easier
2) Change the floor: Because of the nature of the garage there can often be oil leaks or paint spills that create an un-safe and messy floor. There are many different flooring solutions from porcelain or PVC tiles to resin or aluminium according to your needs but a suitable floor will make all the difference to you garage. Forget floor paint – it may seem a cheap solution but it simply won’t last and you will probably find it flaking up within months or sticking to the tread of warm car tyres.
3) Lighting: With the garage now being used for a variety of different reasons it is more important than ever to ensure that everything is well lit. To create the perfect lighting introduce strong LED spotlights across the whole of the garage. Not only do these create excellent light but they are also extremely efficient. If you have specific work areas consider lighting these separately, for example with under-cabinet lights.
4) Security is key: With expensive tools, garden and sports equipment stored in the garage, it’s essential that they can be secured. Leaving them scattered around the garage can create a dangerous environment and is an invitation to the light-fingered! There are a number of locking garage cabinets and cupboards on the market that will help to solve this issue.
5) Make the room your own: As we said, you can tell a lot about someone from their garage. So style the garage to fit your lifestyle. Whether you are sports mad, are Self Adhesive Garage Door Insulation an avid car enthusiast or love DIY, the garage is the perfect room to tailor to your every need. So why not fit some memorabilia or pictures to make it your own.

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