Metal carport kits are the cheapest and easiest way of constructing a new carport. The kits come with full and detailed instructions and most can be constructed with a day or two using only the most basic of household tools. These pre-fab carport kits are generally made out of steel or aluminum and come with everything you will need to complete the construction process.
There are generally 2 basic types of metal carports. There are stand alone carports and car ports that attach to your house or another structure. Within these 2 general categories of carports there are some sub-categories that pertain to the type of roof. Those carports that are stand alone carports tend to have shed or gable roves. Those carports that attach to the house tend to be flat roof carports or single slope or lean to carports. All types of carports serve specific purposes and none are better than the others.
Metal carport kits are not just used to protect cars these days. People are using carports for all sorts of purposes. These days many lean to metal carports are used as awnings to cover front porches and side patios. It is only upon closer inspection that you even Overhead Garage Door Pictures notice that these structures are actually carports. Metal carports that attach to the house also provide great covered play areas for children. With the addition of a small fence, these carports provide the perfect sheltered outdoor play area for children.
Stand alone metal carports can be used as a gazebo or picnic area shelter in your backyard or at your cottage. If a double carport is used then as many as 4 picnic tables can fit underneath the roof. In the alternative, a few picnic tables plus a BBQ Used Garage Doors 16X7 area would comfortably fit underneath a double carport. The addition of some plain netting or screen can keep the mosquitos out. With the right protection from the elements, outdoor gatherings can proceed in any type of weather or conditions.
Of course it goes without saying, that carports of all types and sizes can also be used to protect vehicles from the elements. Metal carport kits most often come in one car or two car designs. There are also metal rv carports which are generally longer and higher than the average carport.
Good quality metal carports can last a lifetime and can really enhance the value of your house. These carports can serve multiple functions and accordingly can also really enhance the enjoyment you get out of your home and or the functionality of your home. Keep an open mind about the different ways a metal carport kit might be of benefit to your family.

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