Aluminum flat roof carports can make an excellent addition to your home. The simplistic nature of the structure lends itself to being easy to build and inexpensive to build. This type of carport can fit into relatively small places and can take the least amount of vertical space of any type of carport.
The name flat roof carport is slightly misleading. Even a aluminum carports with a flat roofs need to have some sort of gradual slope or grade to the roof. The grade of a flat roof carport is almost imperceptible. However, the grade allows Garage Door Wood Overlay Diy rain and snow to find an easy path to drain off. It is also wise to attach rain gutters to the lowest side of the roof to further direct run off. The addition of a down spout and a rain barrel will complete the water runoff re-direction.
Building a carport is an excellent car shelter compromise. The carport will protect your car or vehicle from the elements. Depending on the location of the structure, the carport may also protect you from the elements while getting to and from your car. A carport can also provide additional shelter for other items such as a wood pile. However, a carport is much easier to build and much cheaper to build than a full garage.
Another benefit of building an aluminum carport over a garage is the effect it will have on your property tax bill. Generally speaking property taxes are based on a percentage of the assessed value of your home. Making additions to your home will increase the assessed value of the home. When you increase the assessed value, you will notice an increase in your tax bill. Building a carport will increased the assessed value of the home but to a lesser extent than building a garage.
Another great advantage of flat roof carports over other types of carports is the potential to build a second story. This is a distinct advantage especially when building a carport attached to your home. The roof of the carport can provide the base of a second story deck or even to a full second story room. Crc White Lithium Grease Garage Door It’s easy to build a second story room on top of a carport. It is made that much easier when you have an existing window that overlooks the carport. The existing window can be made into a door with very little effort. Admittedly, most aluminum carports might not be strong enough to hold a second story.
There are many good reasons to consider building a carport. The most obvious reason is for vehicle shelter but there are other hidden benefits as well.