A fine weekend last month, while I was taking my 2 daughters to Borders, I got some books for them and on my way to the cashier, I saw this book. It caught my attention by its title: The 200 SuperFoods That Will Save Your Life, By Deborah A. Klein, M.S., RD. Just out of curiosity for wanting to know what are the Superfoods in the book, I took it home. Also because I have 2 kids who don’t like to take fruits and vegetables, desperate to find out more about nutritious food.

I opened the book and went through the list of the 200 superfoods listed in the contents menu. Interesting enough, 95% of the food listed in this book is all plants. Asked yourself, how many percent of plants you consumed in your daily diets? I guess your answer would probably is less than 5%…

Everybody wants to live healthier; but how many of us are doing something about it? One of my very close friends, who is a vegan, he told me that the root of most diseases come from eating meat. Whether you choose to believe it or not, it is already a fact. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated in its report, The State of Aging and Health in America 2007, poor nutrition from daily diets is one of the major factors that causes of more than third of all deaths in the US. The CDC also found out that people who were 65 years of age or older were more likely than any other group to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

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Ask yourself another question, when you go to a restaurant or cook for your family; how often you select the food because of its nutrition, and how often you select because of its taste?

Let me make some bold statements:

Food is supposed to give us strength.

Food is supposed to give us energy.

Food is supposed to give us some healing properties.

Unfortunately, most of the food we have nowadays is all processed food, or industrialized food. They all taste very nice. But, our body doesn’t need delicious food, what our body need is the nutrition from the food!

There are tons of books, articles and researches you can find in the Internet about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. But yet, not many people sense the danger of their bad habit of daily diets. Just wish that you whom put your effort to finish reading this article would try to eat more plants and less meat from now.Kuliner kota Malang

By master