Adding storage buildings and sheds on your property can increase the value of your property and provide extra storage space. Whether you want to store tools, paints, lawn gear, or clutter from the home, a shed or storage building can be used to hold just about anything. When adding a building to your property you have to be aware of governmental guidelines.
When preparing to add or build a shed or storage building, you need to consider the location and size. The best thing to do is to check with your local permit office to learn about the necessary pemits that you will require before you install the building. Generally speaking, if a building is under 100 ., you will not need a building permit. Any size above 100 ., a permit is needed.
Permits are normally set by the provincial building code, but enforced by municipalities. Permits are required to ensure that zoning requirements for the town or city are met and that safety and fire codes are also met. Zoning regulations can usually be found in the town or cities zoning by-laws. Municipalities and towns may add specific zoning requirements for their area. Any structure being added to a property requires a permit that not only meet municipality and provincial regulations, but must also comply with the National Building Code of Canada
The location of the structure is very important. It cannot impact septic tanks, property lines, easements, utility lines, water, or drainage systems. In some places, there may be rules regarding where the building can be placed. For instance, there may be a by-law stating that one cannot place a structure within so many feet of a public road. As well, if you live in a subdivision or gated community, the propety association may have their own regulations that must be adhered to. For instance, the shed may have to be a specific size or color. Some subdivisions may not even allow a shed to be constructed.
When submitting an application, you may have to provide a diagram illustrating the location of the building. Included will be the location of water lines, power lines, septic tanks, and property lines.
The two most basic permits you might need are the development permit and building permit:
Development Permits: Development permits are associated with the design and appearance of the Most Secure Garage Door Opener proposed building. It is usually regulated by a town, city, or municipality land use by-law.
Building Permits: Smaller shed or storage building projects may require a building permit. These permits are much simpler. Garage Door Reinforcement Bracket If you require a building permit, you may also need additional permits such as electrical, plumbing and gas permits.
When constructing a large storage building, construction plans are required to obtain building and development permits, which may include:
–  A plan showing the dimensions of the planned building.
–  Cross-section building plan showing the material used for the roof, walls, and floor.
Depending on where you live, you may require an inspection through the building inspection department. As well, approval time depends on where you live. It could take a day or up to 10 days. Payment varys and is required when the application is submitted.
Sheds and storage buildings are a great way to increase storage space. Knowing the steps to securing a permit will make the installation process much quicker and easier.

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