Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles have become an extremely popular and commonplace material used to decorate floors in homes throughout the world. Ceramic floor tiles are relatively inexpensive, particularly compared to other pricier materials, and are also versatile, easy to clean and come in a wide variety of style, colour, pattern and print that can be easily catered to almost any style and decor of house. Such tiles have actually been around for thousands of years, though in much cruder and basic forms. Over time, they developed into the stronger and more resilient type we know today. There are also many advantages of using ceramic tiles in the home, as well as some disadvantages that must be considered when choosing the most appropriate material for your floors.

The History of Ceramic Tiles

Essentially made of clay, ceramic floor tiles date as far back as prehistoric times. Though extremely rudimentary, even back then they were being decorated in pigment and carved to produce a pleasing result. Eventually, it was discovered that firing the clay at very high heat made it much stronger and also gave it a degree of water resistance and resilience. Cultures all over the world used variations of the tile to decorate temples, homes and various structures, from ancient Greece and Rome to Asian countries. Glazed tiles were then initiated by the Persians and who created mosaics and interesting graduations in colour using the smaller tile pieces. In modern times, manufacturers of the product typically use the pressed-dust mode of production. But no matter the method, all ceramic tiles are fired to increase durability. In the end, what dictates the price of a ceramic tile is the quality of the clay used, how many times it has been fired and at what heat.

The Pros of Ceramic Floor Tiles in the Home

One of the biggest advantages of using ceramic tiles in flooring is that the range and scope of design, pattern, colour, style and overall aesthetic is virtually unlimited. Unique and inspired designs can be easily created allowing for individual tastes to be easily catered for. The tiles also last a considerable amount of time and should not need replacement in a lifetime. Ceramic tiles are also easy to clean and are therefore low maintenance compared to other materials. The durability of the ceramic tile is also a plus, as it can take a high degree of traffic without becoming worn.

The Cons of Ceramic Floor Tiles in the Home

One of the main disadvantages of these tiles is the relative difficulty in installing them. They require skilled professionals if they are to be properly installed and this can be costly. Though they are durable, they are prone to cracks as their surface is hard. For families with young children, they also mean potential injury as the hard surface means that falls will be painful. Dropping anything breakable also more than likely means it will break against the surface.

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